Sunday, October 26, 2008

Accompaniments to edible items

... and at Pallavi's behest, I documented this fine installation under our kitchen sink.
First prize for most generous contribution to this artwork goes to Sudeep, to Pondi goes the lifetime achievement award, Nityan has already been awarded the "Best Behaved Drunk" by Sujoy and I would also like to award the "Martyrdom Award" to him for being the tireless man behind the commestibles.


Anonymous said...

haha...thanks rukminee, will add to this post with similar pictures, classic stuff

Fingertree said...

Ah so this blog is where you are in your element! Very Vivan Sundaramesque a la 'Trash'...

Rukminee Guha Thakurta said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
chairmann said...

thank god i wasnt blamed for anything!!

Rukminee Guha Thakurta said...

Mann Singh, your turn is coming. Certain videos need to be posted on this blog Pallavi!